course »Working with Families in our Systems of Care Using Evidence Informed Principles: An Overview

Date: 5/18/2021, 9:30 am—4:30 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 6
Sponsor: Fred Finch Youth & Family Services
Phone: 510-482-2244
Online Training

This training is targeted to staff who work with youth and their families in our continuum of care within community settings such as in the schools and homes. We will focus on understanding how to identify unhealthy family relationship patterns and traumatic attachment ruptures via the use of Pain in the Heart Theory(PITH). For youth in the continuum of care, their lives are very disrupted by these ruptures due to removal from home, losing placements, deportation and incarceration, to mention a few. Once we are able to identify the pain, we will be ready to know where the healing needs to occur so that our system involved youth can start experiencing positive outcomes in all of their settings including more likelihood of not being removed from the home, successful reunifications and more sustainable permanent placements!