Solano Course Catalog

-Training Offerings Foster Care Training Course Catalog

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the guidance of health experts to follow social distancing protocols, all classes are currently being offered via distance learning. We will continue to monitor the recommendations of local and state authorities and healthcare experts and remain committed to ensuring the safety and health of training participants and instructors. Please note that in order to register for these free trainings you must be staff, caregiver or volunteer working directly with foster, adoptive or probation involved children, youth and their families in one of our partner counties.

Courses are sorted by Category:

To register for a course, click on the title of the course you are interested in, then click on the Register button and either submit the registration form or register on the sponsoring agency’s website or event link (i.e. Eventbrite).

Arts & Activities

Trainings offered cover the importance of art and activities for youth as well as how to design engaging and therapeutic activities.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

Art Heals: The Use of Creative Techniques to Manage Anger for Children and Youth in Care

This training will focus on the importance of professional self-care for those who care for and work with in child welfare systems. Through didactic, collaborative and interactive learning, participants will explore what self-care is and why it is an essential practice for those supporting children/youth who have been traumatized, grieving or distressed. Participants will explore the various stages of a crisis, define compassion fatigue and the obstacles to practicing self-care and identify the six domains of professional self-care. Participants will learn how using creative arts-based tools can teach self-compassion, develop greater insight and connection with themselves and improve their well-being. Register Here

7/30/2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2 Lincoln Families

Finding Joy & Purpose with System-Involved Youth & Families in the Midst of Difficulty

In this time of cascading traumas, and perhaps heightened awareness of mortality, having a sense of purpose can be a powerful way to engage meaningfully with life. This training will offer research, meditation, and exercises to guide participants toward discovering their unique sense of purpose so that they can facilitate this process with system-involved youth and families. Related, developing a growth mindset, practicing self-compassion and gratitude, and cultivating joy can support us and system-involved youth in enhancing well-being on a daily basis. These strategies are useful for providers to grow resiliency, prevent vicarious trauma, and can be used within efforts to support system-involved youth.

8/16/2024 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Intermediate Practice for Professionals Using Motivational Interviewing when Working with System-Involved Youth—Focusing on OARS and Skills Workshop

This is an intermediate course developed for case managers who have a basic understanding of motivational interviewing (MI). This course will provide practical skills and strategies to support the knowledge gained from an introductory MI course. Participants will increase their understanding of open-ended questions, affirmations, reflections, and summaries (OARS). The content explores each interviewing technique in-depth to enhance the case manager’s tool kit of MI responses with their clients. Participants will be able to apply the tools learned in this course to establish reports, collaboration, and understanding for their current clients. This training has many activities, handouts, and videos to support all learning styles. The material will be delivered by […]

7/31/2024 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Mindfulness and Nature Connection Practices to Support System Involved Youth with Self Regulation

Young people are naturally curious, especially about nature. Unfortunately, many settings do not allow for system involved youth to experience the power of the natural world. This training teaches engaging and innovative ways to integrate nature-based practices and connect system involved youth with our greatest mindfulness teacher – the natural world. It will provide skills and tools for system-involved youth to cultivate practices and self-regulation skills they can develop and practice from home and in the outdoor space in proximity to where they live. These practices will support system involved youth and their families in managing stressors using nature in an urban setting to help foster a sense of belonging […]

8/9/2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3.5 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Somatic Practice Movements for Fight, Flight, Freeze, Involuntary Fawn and Voluntary Fawn for System Involved Youth & Caregivers for All Abilities

Somatic movements are important for system-involved youth because they offer a trauma-informed approach that helps youth reconnect with their bodies and promote healing. Somatic movements aid in emotional regulation and stress management, empowering youth to identify, express, and regulate their emotions effectively. By developing body awareness, system-involved youth gain a sense of empowerment and make informed decisions regarding their well-being. Engaging in somatic movements also builds resilience, enhances coping skills, and provides a non-verbal mode of self-expression and communication for youth who may struggle with verbal expression. In this training, participants will be guided through a sequence of learning discussions to explore and understand somatic movements. Learning activities will include: […]

8/5/2024 12:30 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3.25 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Behavioral Strategies

These trainings address the importance of using behavioral modification techniques such as positive reinforcement to help a child change their behaviors to those that are more conducive to healthy relationships with adults and peers.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

Affects of The Abuse Spectrum – 4 GH & STRTP CEU’s

This 4-hour course is designed to provide staff serving in Group Homes and STRTP’s behavior management strategies for staff working with traumatized youth and families. The aim of the course is to assist adults with an understanding of who the youth are, where they come from and why they do what they do, through an exploration of multiple forms of abuse often suffered by the youth. Participants will examine issues such as mandated reporting (to CPS or Police), developmental effects of abuses and the cycle of violence as it pertains to both parents and children.

7/30/2024 9:30 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 GH & STRTP CEU’s Seneca Family of Agencies

Brain Science of Children’s Emotions (Transforming System Involved Youth Tears & Tantrums using Hand in Hand Parenting)

This training will teach those who support system involved youth a framework to understand the neurobiological basis for difficult behavior in children and 3 specific strategies to use with their youth to teach their caregivers in order to support the psychological and emotional wellbeing of system involved youth who have a history of trauma and attachment injuries.

8/22/2024 11:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2.5 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Calm Power Strategies for System-Involved Youth with Personal Energy Management Challenges

One of the most significant challenges for those supporting system involved youth (SIY) is to effectively coach them to manage their own personal energy towards re-parenting themselves in a way that can deepen their inner security while navigating conflict with those they live, work, play with as well as with those that have power over them. In this training, we will explore the coaching of self-regulation and self-advocacy techniques that aim to foster increased inner well-being and win/win relational outcomes for SIY. The aim of this workshop is to foster young people’s transformational behaviors that are sustainable and lead to healthy community engagement and improved outcomes, as well as strengthen […]

8/26/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Cultivating and Practicing Emotional Intelligence (EI) When Supporting System Involved Youth

This training empowers those involved with system-involved youth to harness their emotional intelligence (EI) to create more supportive, empathetic, and effective environments. Utilizing interactive discussions, reflective exercises, and real-life application scenarios, this workshop will delve into the soft skills necessary for impactful communication and support in challenging settings.

8/19/2024 9:30 am – 3:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4.75 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Developing Effective Communication Strategies for Responding to Crises with System-Involved Youth

This training is designed to help crisis responders develop effective communication strategies for intervening in crisis situations involving system-involved youth. Participants will learn to identify key concepts for responding to crises, understand reactions to crises, and apply verbal and non-verbal communication techniques, including active listening and empathy. The training also addresses ethical considerations such as confidentiality and professional boundaries. Delivered through PowerPoint presentations, videos, and group discussions, this training equips participants with practical skills to effectively support system-involved youth in crisis situations.

8/29/2024 10:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4.5 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Emotion Regulation for System Involved Youth

This training will help participants understand the effects of emotion dysregulation on system-involved youth. They will also learn the treatment modalities which best support emotion regulation. The four modules of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (Mindfulness, Interpersonal effectiveness, Emotion Regulation and Distress Tolerance) will all be taught with a strong emphasis on Emotion Regulation skills. There will also be a focus on how Cognitive Behavioral Therapy skills can help system-involved youth (SIY) to regulate their emotions. Participants will be given skills training worksheets that can be used with SIY and their families.

8/9/2024 9:00 am – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 5.5 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Gender-Affirming Care for System-Involved Youth

Training Summary: This training will educate those who support system involved transition age youth (TAY) about gender-affirming care for transgender, nonbinary, and gender questioning youth & children. Participants will define gender-affirming care in terms of both medical and mental health care through exploring its six premises: 1) gender variations are not disorders 2) gender is diverse and varied across cultures 3) gender is: bio-psycho-social 4) gender is not binary but fluid 5) dysphoria is not always limited to the body and 6) that acceptance by family/other caregivers significantly improves mental health. Participants will define three types of gender transition and explore how gender-affirming care relates. We will also review AB […]

8/27/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Family Paths, Inc.

How Solution-Focused Therapy Strategies can Improve Support for System Involved Youth and Families

Solution-focused therapy strategies are becoming more popular within mental health and social service organizations as some services are becoming shorter in duration. Solution-focused therapy strategies focus on solutions rather than problems and can be extremely helpful within efforts to support parents of youth in foster care since there are time limits to demonstrating progress needed for their child being reunified with them and return home. The training will provide an overview of solution-focused interventions as well as key concepts and strategies for implementing solution-focused interventions within efforts to support system-involved youth and families.

8/2/2024 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3.75 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Understanding Respondent and Operant Conditioning to Support System-Involved Youth

This training offers a comprehensive and essential knowledge base for professionals in various fields and care providers of youth and families who engage with system-involved individuals. Participants will delve into the core principles of respondent and operant conditioning gaining insight into the framework and models of support. The training goes further by addressing the unique challenges and ethical considerations involved in working with system-involved youth, offering practical strategies which can be used for expression adaptations and skills acquisition. Through case studies, interactive activities and cultural sensitivity discussions, attendees will leave with a well-rounded understanding of modalities of support and the ability to apply these principles effectively in their care-providing roles. […]

7/30/2024 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Lincoln Families

Understanding Trichotillomania, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Anxiety in System-Involved Youth

Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders have been on the rise in children and teens in recent years, particularly system-involved youth. This 3 hour course will examine the wide range of diagnoses covered under those two disorder groupings. Through didactic lecture, handouts and large group discussion, participants will look at differential diagnoses, causes, triggers and treatment options.

7/31/2024 9:15 am – 12:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 A Better Way, Inc.

Using Motivational Interviewing (MI) Techniques to Redirect System-Involved Youth (SIY) Away from Risky Behaviors

In this training, participants will learn how to enhance our capacity to support system-involved youth (SIY) by exploring how using Advanced MI techniques to support engagement during all phases of cognitive change facilitates receptivity to coaching and can redirect energy towards emotional development and wellbeing, as well as foster resilience and healing from traumatic events. Practicing and sharing the methods outlined by this workshop will allow us to deepen our effectiveness with system-involved youth and their families through helping them avoid risky behaviors and supporting them towards healthier lifestyles.

8/5/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Using Narrative Practices with Youth in Care Part 2: Alternative Story Development

This training will build on the Narrative Practices 1 training by introducing more of the assumptions and specific practices related to the model. Participants will learn about the notion of intentional understandings in contrast to an understanding that locates ‘strengths’ and ‘weaknesses’ internally. Participants will learn about and practice the skill of identifying alternative stories about people that are obscured by dominant problem stories. The re-authoring map of Narrative Practice will be presented to the group with time to practice using this tool. The practice of writing ‘therapeutic documents’ following conversations with clients will be explained and several examples will be discussed.

7/29/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Child Development

Trainings include topics such as an overview of the stages of child development to the importance of understanding a child’s actual age versus their developmental age, and why that distinction is important in caring for children.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

Recognizing the Importance of Healthy Attachment and Development for System-Involved Youth

This training session will provide a comprehensive overview of child development theories and stages, emphasizing the crucial role of healthy attachment in enhancing resilience and well-being for system-involved youth who often have experienced multiple episodes of complex trauma. Participants will explore the effects of trauma on attachment and development, gaining valuable insights which may enhance services and support for system-involved youth. Practical strategies for fostering healthy attachments and facilitating positive development in this population will be discussed, equipping attendees with the tools to make a meaningful impact in the lives of youth in the system.

8/7/2024 10:30 am – 3:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4.5 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Understanding Neurotypical Infant, Child & Adolescent Development to Better Support System-involved Youth & Caregivers

It is important for those who support system-involved youth to understand child development so that they can effectively engage with youth, identify neurodivergence, and understand the impact of trauma on development. This training will provide an overview of neurotypical development from infancy to adolescence. The more we understand about neurotypical development, the better equipped we are to identify-system involved youth who have developmental delays and understand the impact of trauma on their development.

8/12/2024 10:00 am – 5:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 5.5 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Cultural Awareness

Includes trainings that cover cultural awareness, including unconscious bias, cultural humility, cultural competence and working with certain populations.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

Addressing Adultification Through Trauma-Informed Care & Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Practices with SIY

This training will equip participants with the knowledge and skills to recognize and counteract adultification with marginalized system-involved youth. The course emphasizes trauma-informed care principles and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) strategies and integrates interactive discussions, reflective exercises, and practical role-playing scenarios. Attending this training will enhance participant ability to support system-involved youth by creating more inclusive, supportive, and developmentally appropriate environments.

8/27/2024 9:30 am – 3:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4.5 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Antiracism as a Process and Practice: 4 Part Antiracism Series (Part 3 of 4)

“”Anti-racism is a journey not a destination”” – Ibram X. Kendi Do you know youth and families trying to navigate transracial foster and adoptive placements/homes? Many of the issues they are facing are fairly typical of foster and adoptive homes. At the same time, we know that youth placed in homes with caregivers of a different racial/cultural group often experience distinct challenges in family, school and community life. If foster and adoptive parents are not considering racial identity development as a critical part of a youth’s needs while in care, then accidental harm can be done. Concrete scripts for supporting youth and caregivers in these conspicuous families will be explored. […]

7/30/2024 9:15 am – 1:15 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 A Better Way, Inc.

Culturally Responsive Relationships for Providers

This training will offer practical information to help participants better provide culturally responsive support to system impacted youth and families. This course will review the concept of cultural humility, originally developed by Doctors Melanie Tervalon and Jann Murray-Garcia (1998) to address health disparities and institutional inequities in medicine. The facilitator will also explore the concept of intersectionality, coined by American Civil Rights Advocate and Professor Kimberly Krenshaw. Specific ways that providers can introduce conversations about culture with system impacted youth and families will be introduced. There will also be review of child-friendly developmentally appropriate ways to invite cultural conversations with children. Participants should expect to leave with tools for integrating […]

8/14/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A East Bay Agency for Children

Eliminating Racial Bias in Child Welfare: Tools and Strategies for Promoting Equity and Social Justice

This training aims to provide those who support youth involved in the child welfare and systems with an understanding of racial bias within child welfare and systems, and to equip them with the tools and strategies necessary to eliminate biases to support improved outcomes for foster youth and youth in care. Participants will learn about the impact of racial bias on children and families, as well as best practices for promoting cultural competence and addressing personal biases. The training will also cover strategies for addressing racial bias in child welfare reporting. The material will be delivered by PowerPoint presentation, short video clips, group discussion, breakout (small group) discussions and participant […]

8/5/2024 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Lincoln Families

Tools for Culturally Aware and Trauma Informed Diagnosis

Trauma is often misdiagnosed and it’s essential for providers who diagnosis youth to accurately diagnosis them. It is also important for providers who don’t diagnosis youth to be aware of trauma diagnoses so they can effectively advocate for system-involved youth. The workshop will focus on common misdiagnoses, why inaccurate diagnoses occur and how to accurately diagnosis trauma.

8/5/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A East Bay Agency for Children

Understanding Respondent and Operant Conditioning to Support System-Involved Youth

This training offers a comprehensive and essential knowledge base for professionals in various fields and care providers of youth and families who engage with system-involved individuals. Participants will delve into the core principles of respondent and operant conditioning gaining insight into the framework and models of support. The training goes further by addressing the unique challenges and ethical considerations involved in working with system-involved youth, offering practical strategies which can be used for expression adaptations and skills acquisition. Through case studies, interactive activities and cultural sensitivity discussions, attendees will leave with a well-rounded understanding of modalities of support and the ability to apply these principles effectively in their care-providing roles. […]

7/30/2024 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Lincoln Families

Family Issues

Topics include how to locate potential permanent family members (Family Finding) as well as how to engage and include family members in a child’s life.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

For Caregivers

Caregiver trainings.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

Addressing Learning Refusal: Strategies for Supporting System-Involved Youth

This training is designed to provide those who support system-involved youth in any setting with practical strategies to address the increasing issue of learning refusal among youth. Participants will gain a deep understanding of the causes and impact of learning refusal, identify signs and symptoms, and explore evidence-based approaches to support youth returning to learning environments. Through case studies, interactive discussions and practical exercises, participants will leave with the knowledge and tools necessary to support and implement individualized strategies for system-involved youth exhibiting learning refusal. The material will be delivered by PowerPoint presentation, short video clips, group discussion, breakout (small group) discussions and participant workbook (handout). Register Here

8/6/2024 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Lincoln Families

Art Heals: The Use of Creative Techniques to Manage Anger for Children and Youth in Care

This training will focus on the importance of professional self-care for those who care for and work with in child welfare systems. Through didactic, collaborative and interactive learning, participants will explore what self-care is and why it is an essential practice for those supporting children/youth who have been traumatized, grieving or distressed. Participants will explore the various stages of a crisis, define compassion fatigue and the obstacles to practicing self-care and identify the six domains of professional self-care. Participants will learn how using creative arts-based tools can teach self-compassion, develop greater insight and connection with themselves and improve their well-being. Register Here

7/30/2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2 Lincoln Families

Child Development

This training covers some of the famous psychological theories and theorists in the field of childhood development, such as Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, and Sigmund Freud. Participants will learn typical developmental milestones for each age group from birth to 18 years of age. It will cover a few of the most common causes of developmental delays in childhood and how to recognize the signs, as well as the impact of trauma on child development. Register Here

7/29/2024 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Foster Youth Reproductive and Sexual Wellness

Attendees will understand Sexual and Reproductive Wellness Rights for youth in foster care. These rights ensure young people in foster care age 10 and older, including non-minor dependents, have access to education, information, and services about their sexual and reproductive health. Attendees will understand the sexual and reproductive health rights of youth in foster care and the duties and responsibilities as a caregiver as well as those of the case worker, how to engage with youth about sexual and reproductive wellness. Register Here

7/30/2024 10:00 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

Trainees will gain a basic understanding of the most common types of childhood disabilities, what their signs and symptoms are, behaviors we might expect to see from children with these disabilities, and how to best serve children who exhibit signs of these disabilities and their families, as well as resources for ways to get help for these children. Register Here

7/31/2024 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Navigating Boundaries When Working with System-Involved Youth

Boundaries are an essential part of working with traumatized youth and families, yet they can be difficult to implement. Some providers can struggle to implement healthy boundaries due to their own trauma histories, not wanting to offend a client, etc. This training will discuss healthy boundaries for providers, barriers to implementing them and strategies for implementing and maintaining them. Please register with: [email protected]

7/29/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 Lincoln Families

Parenting with Love and Logic (PWLL) for System Involved Youth

This training will explain the basic principles of Parenting with Love and Logic (PWLL), including goals and objectives as well as core principles and techniques which can be applied within efforts to support System involved Youth (SIY) and families. The training will include a detailed explanation of the two important goals of PWLL including establishing boundaries with empathy and nurturing responsibility as well as self-discipline.

8/2/2024 9:00 am – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 5.25 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Strategies to Support System-Involved Youth with Mood Disruptions and Anxiety

Many system-involved struggle with anxiety and mood disorders. It’s crucial for social service and behavioral health providers to understand the different types of anxiety and mood disorders and know how to effectively support youth and young adults. This training will provide an overview of different types of anxiety and mood disorders as well as practical strategies providers can use to support youth and young adults struggling with them. Please register at: Register Here

7/31/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7 Lincoln Families

Strategies to Teach Gratitude Practices to System-Involved Youth

Gratitude has been shown to have positive effects on one’s well-being. This training will provide an overview on the research of gratitude, the impact it has on one’s emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. The training will also cover strategies to teach youth about gratitude as well as how to practice gratitude with system-involved youth. Register Here

7/30/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 Lincoln Families

Understanding Respondent and Operant Conditioning to Support System-Involved Youth

This training offers a comprehensive and essential knowledge base for professionals in various fields and care providers of youth and families who engage with system-involved individuals. Participants will delve into the core principles of respondent and operant conditioning gaining insight into the framework and models of support. The training goes further by addressing the unique challenges and ethical considerations involved in working with system-involved youth, offering practical strategies which can be used for expression adaptations and skills acquisition. Through case studies, interactive activities and cultural sensitivity discussions, attendees will leave with a well-rounded understanding of modalities of support and the ability to apply these principles effectively in their care-providing roles. […]

7/30/2024 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Lincoln Families

Understanding the Impact of Structural Racism on System-Involved Youth and Families

Structural racism refers to the totality of ways in which societies foster racial discrimination through mutually reinforcing systems of housing, education, employment, earnings, benefits, credit, media, health care and criminal justice. These patterns and practices in turn reinforce discriminatory beliefs, values and distribution of resources. Structural Racism….is pervasive, impacting different systems and sectors, and also making us color blind to white supremacy. Trainer explains how racism is embedded into our educational, health care, political and our health department systems, along with ways care givers and service providers can recognize and combat its impact on foster youth.

7/31/2024 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Alternative Family Services (AFS)

Youth Wellness

This training is designed to give at-home caretakers – particularly resource parents – enhanced perspective of the many factors to individual wellbeing and strategies to support improvement, in each distinct area, for youth in care. Resources and regulations specific to foster-involved youth are included herein, as well as links to resources for parents/caretakers and youth overall. Register Here

7/29/2024 9:30 am – 1:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Health & Safety

Includes trainings on best practices for insuring children are healthy, safe and receiving the medical care they need.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

An Overview of Sexual Violence for Social Service and Care Providers

Unfortunately, sexual violence is prevalent amongst system-involved youth and young adults. This training will provide an overview of the different types of sexual violence as well as prevention and mediation strategies. This training will equip participants to better support system-involved youth and young adults who have experienced sexual violence. Register Here

8/13/2024 9:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 5 Lincoln Families

Art Heals: The Use of Creative Techniques to Manage Anger for Children and Youth in Care

This training will focus on the importance of professional self-care for those who care for and work with in child welfare systems. Through didactic, collaborative and interactive learning, participants will explore what self-care is and why it is an essential practice for those supporting children/youth who have been traumatized, grieving or distressed. Participants will explore the various stages of a crisis, define compassion fatigue and the obstacles to practicing self-care and identify the six domains of professional self-care. Participants will learn how using creative arts-based tools can teach self-compassion, develop greater insight and connection with themselves and improve their well-being. Register Here

7/30/2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2 Lincoln Families

Navigating Boundaries When Working with System-Involved Youth

Boundaries are an essential part of working with traumatized youth and families, yet they can be difficult to implement. Some providers can struggle to implement healthy boundaries due to their own trauma histories, not wanting to offend a client, etc. This training will discuss healthy boundaries for providers, barriers to implementing them and strategies for implementing and maintaining them. Please register with: [email protected]

7/29/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 Lincoln Families

Removing Shame and Stigma Training: Understanding the Brain and Disease of Addiction to Support Foster Youth

Removing the Shame and Stigma of Substance Use Disorder. Register Here

7/30/2024 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Redwood Community Services, Inc

Restorative Practices for Youth in Care: How Creativity Inspires Resilience and Healing to Overcome Adversity

This training will focus on how, through social-emotional learning, youth in care develop self-awareness, self-control and interpersonal skills. This training will discuss and explore the concept of self-soothing and how creativity can be utilized to calm the mind and body, thus creating opportunities for building healthy connections. Participants will enjoy an overview of practical techniques that help develop resilience and self-compassion. This training promotes emotional and physical regulation through arts-based activities. Register Here

8/6/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2 Lincoln Families

Spousal/Partner Abuse Identification: Detection & Strategies to Better Support System Involved Youth & Families

Domestic violence/interpersonal violence is a growing concern so it’s essential for those who support system-involved youth to understand what it is, how to recognize warning signs and how to support individuals in a violent relationship. This training will provide an overview of domestic violence/interpersonal violence including a history of it in the United States and an overview of groups at heightened risk for domestic violence/interpersonal violence. Participants will learn how to conduct a risk assessment and safety plan for a system-involved youth or caregiver in an abusive relationship and how to support them whether they are still in an abusive relationship or have recently gotten out of one.

8/21/2024 9:00 am – 5:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 15 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Stopping Student Harm from Racial & Class Bias: Unlearning Bias in Work with Youth Through Courageous Conversations – Day 2

This training presents a frame of working with students, families & communities in a way that challenges racial bias and other punitive manifestations of racism. By framing the typical mindset of adult educators as controlling or constructive while framing the school & community environment as toxic or supportive. This training reviews the Four Pivots, looks at Hidden Language of Bias, and engages participants on their experiences with the aforementioned phenomenon.

7/31/2024 10:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Strategies for Preventing and Addressing Substance Abuse Issues with System-Involved Youth

This training session is designed to equip professionals working with system-involved youth with the knowledge and skills necessary to address substance abuse issues effectively. The training will focus on understanding the root causes of substance abuse among youth in the system, exploring prevention strategies, and identifying evidence-based strategies for addressing substance abuse. Participants will engage in interactive discussions, case studies, and practical exercises to enhance their ability to support system-involved youth in making healthy choices and overcoming substance abuse challenges.

8/23/2024 10:30 am – 3:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4.5 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Strategies to Support System-Involved Youth with Mood Disruptions and Anxiety

Many system-involved struggle with anxiety and mood disorders. It’s crucial for social service and behavioral health providers to understand the different types of anxiety and mood disorders and know how to effectively support youth and young adults. This training will provide an overview of different types of anxiety and mood disorders as well as practical strategies providers can use to support youth and young adults struggling with them. Please register at: Register Here

7/31/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7 Lincoln Families

Strategies to Teach Gratitude Practices to System-Involved Youth

Gratitude has been shown to have positive effects on one’s well-being. This training will provide an overview on the research of gratitude, the impact it has on one’s emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. The training will also cover strategies to teach youth about gratitude as well as how to practice gratitude with system-involved youth. Register Here

7/30/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 Lincoln Families

Suicide and Youth: Understanding, Safety Planning and Decreasing Future Suicidal Ideation with System Involved Youth

Come to this training on understanding suicidal ideation with system involved youth. This is going to be a training within the context of family because we need the larger team to keep system involved youth safe. We are going to talk about why youth might choose suicide, things to look for, how we talk about it, and ways to keep system involved youth safe! However, once youth are safe, our focus will shift to how do we keep them alive and having a future outlook that does not include seeing suicide as a viable option for managing their pain. Additionally, we are going to be learning about the pandemic as […]

8/15/2024 9:30 am – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 6 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Understanding Disruptive, Impulse-Control and Conduct Disorders to Better Support System-Involved Youth

Some system-involved youth demonstrate impulsive and aggressive behaviors. This training will provide an overview of DSM-V TR disruptive, impulse-control and conduct disorders including their prevalence and what these behaviors look like. Participants will learn how to improve support for system-involved youth experiencing impulse control and conduct disruptions and their caregivers.

8/16/2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3.75 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Understanding Neurodiversity: Strategies for Inclusion and Advocacy to Better Support System-Involved Youth

This introductory training is designed to foster a deep understanding of neurodiversity and equip participants who work with system-involved youth with practical strategies for promoting inclusivity and advocating for the rights of neurodiverse individuals. The training will cover the diverse spectrum of neurodiverse conditions, their impact on various environments, and the importance of creating accommodating spaces that celebrate differences. Through interactive sessions, case studies, and practical exercises, participants will gain valuable insights and tools to create an inclusive and supportive environment for neurodiverse individuals in their communities, workplaces, and educational institutions. The material will be delivered by PowerPoint presentation, short video clips, group discussion, breakout (small group) discussions, and participant […]

8/15/2024 10:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4.5 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Understanding Personality Disruptions Amongst Transitional Age Youth

System-involved young adults experience many challenges as a result the trauma and adversity they have experienced. Some transitional age youth are labeled as having a personality disruption early on in their life. So, it’s crucial for social service providers to have an accurate understanding of personality disruptions in order to support them in the most effective manner. This training will provide an overview of personality disruptions as well as strategies to support someone struggling with one. Register Here

8/6/2024 9:00 am – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 6 Lincoln Families

Understanding System-Involved Transition Age Youth with Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder can carry a lot of stigma, which can make it challenging for service and/or support providers working with system-involved transition age youth who have the diagnosis. This training will provide an in-depth discussion of what borderline personality disorder is, including symptoms and commonly co-occurring mental health issues. Participants will learn common challenges to supporting someone with borderline personality disorder and how to effectively support a system-involved young adult with this diagnosis.

7/29/2024 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3.75 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

What Social Service and Care Providers Need to Know About Vaping Use Among System-Involved Youth

This training will provide discussions about the prevalence of vaping amongst youth in care. Participants will address warning signs youth in systems of care may be vaping. Risk factors will be identified. Participants will also discuss strategies to talk with youth about the adverse effects of vaping. Register Here

8/1/2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 Lincoln Families

Working with System Involved Youth & Families: Introduction to Mandated Reporting

This 3 hour training will review the legal responsibilities of a Mandated Reporter, and demonstrate the steps in making a Suspected Child Abuse Report. Participants will learn the legal definitions for child abuse and neglect, and the warning signs of child maltreatment. The goal of the training further involves valuing your dual role as a Mandated Reporter and Clinical Trainee in the school setting.

8/14/2024 1:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A East Bay Agency for Children

On Demand

On Demand indicates online prerecorded classes that are available on demand any time.

No planned courses at this time


These trainings include topics that are not listed in any other categories.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

Awareness of our Own Reactions and Countertransference when Working with System Involved Youth and Their Families

Examine the reasons why you chose to work in this field. They can be a “double-edged sword”- by being both the very things that make us excellent at our work and that can also lead to compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma. Explore how our own “stuff” impacts our work with system-involved youth and their families and, if you are a supervisor, how to support those you supervise with all of this. Discuss self-disclosure with system involved youth and families, explore ourselves and countertransference, identify how we know when we are over-involved with those we support, and review ways to address this.

8/28/2024 10:00 am – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 5.5 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Being Strength-Based with System Involved Youth: Avoiding the Labeling Trap!

Strength-based, strength-based, strength-based! Wow, this seems to be an important mantra in our field! Since all of us understand our youth in our own ways, I hope that anyone supporting system involved youth and their families will attend! This training is about how we can remain strength-based when we have to use pathologizing/stigmatizing labels. While I hope that we are all advocating (in our own ways) for important changes that will allow us to be more strength-based and individualized, what do we do NOW to make sure that these negative labels don’t follow our youth in the system of care (foster care, juvenile justice and mental health systems)?

8/21/2024 10:00 am – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 5.5 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Facilitating Anti-Oppression Conversations (Managers) (Non Seneca Staff Registration Only)

This training will support participants in exploring tools and strategies for facilitating conversations that center diversity, equity, and inclusion. Participants will explore how to create an affirming and open space for conversation, respond to power dynamics in group conversations, and how to engage with different learning styles and interests. Through self-reflection, racial affinity spaces, somatic activities, and group dialogue, participants will practice exploring their growing edges and strengths as facilitators while developing frameworks to lead anti-oppression conversations. This training is for child welfare and/or youth service provider staff who are in a management or supervisory role. For staff who are not in a supervisory or management role, please sign up […]

7/29/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Identifying, Defining, and Responding to Microaggressions for Youth Care Providers

This training welcomes participants to define, identify, and discuss microaggressions and how they can impact the overall well-being of people who are at the receiving end of them, especially within therapeutic relationships. As microaggressions are defined as “hidden messages” that “target persons based solely upon their marginalized group membership” (Sue, 2010), it is crucial for them to be uncovered in order to interrupt the perpetuation of negative impact they have on those targeted. Participants will learn how to recognize and work through the process of interrupting microaggressions in order to support the establishment of culturally sensitive and emotionally safe relationships in their direct care with youth and families.

7/29/2024 9:30 am – 12:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Law and Ethics (3-hour) for Those who Support System Involved Youth

There are numerous legal and ethical issues specific to working with system involved youth in community-based organizations and school settings including privacy, consent to treatment, mandatory reporting and dual relationships. Through case vignettes, discussions and lecture, participants will explore the intricacies of these issues.

8/30/2024 9:30 am – 12:45 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Legal and Ethical Issues when Supporting System Involved Youth

There are numerous legal and ethical issues specific to working with system involved youth in community-based organizations and school settings. They include consent to privacy; use of electronics to dual relationships; minor consent for mental health treatment; mandatory reporting laws; and foster youth’s rights to reproductive health services and information. Through case vignettes, discussions and lecture, participants will explore the intricacies of these issues.

8/8/2024 9:30 am – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 6 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Supervision in Stressful Times: Supporting Providers Who Work with System-Involved Youth and Families

Training Summary: In these very stressful times due to high client need, staff shortages and local and global violence, staff and supervisors are especially challenged in their daily work lives. Despite the aforementioned, supervisors are expected to tend to their teams, clients, and themselves. In the class, supervisors will learn how to: Class Objectives: (what knowledge, ideas or skills will participants explore, learn, practice, etc during the training) 1. Identify six premises of gender-affirming support for system involved youth 2. Distinguish between a social, medical, and legal transition 3. Explain AB 2119, Gender Health in Foster Care Participants will be able to: 1. Assess their current supervisees to determine how […]

8/1/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 6 Family Paths, Inc.

Telehealth: Laws, Ethics & Best Practices in Work with System Involved Youth and Families

As social services case planning, mental health treatment, and general support has become more commonly provided via telehealth, it is important that those who support system involved youth are aware of the legal and ethical issues related to services and support provided via telehealth. In this class participants will learn: 1) California Telehealth legal codes and Telehealth professional codes of ethics including: informed consent, privacy, working with people out of state, preparing for crisis, and handling technology failure; 2) Research on Tele-mental Health and 3) best practices when providing online support for system involved youth.

8/30/2024 1:30 pm – 4:45 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

The Stories We Tell at Work: Building Sustainability for Foster Youth Providers

This training is designed to assist professionals working with foster youth to connect to stories of themselves within the work that are fulfilling and sustaining. Because this work requires us to spend time in situations that tend to deplete us or contribute to ‘burnout’, it is vital that we are able to engage with versions of ourselves that demonstrate the ways that we stay connected to what we give value to. Participants will discuss some of the ideas that frame what stories are available to be told and to find ways to challenge these ideas in order to discover alternative stories. A particular story about a professional in the field […]

7/30/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A Seneca Family of Agencies

Transition Planning & Independent Living Skills: Preparing System-Involved Youth for Independence and Adulthood

This training is designed to provide professionals working with system-involved youth with the knowledge and skills necessary to support system-involved youth during their transition to independence in adulthood. The training will focus on transition planning and developing essential independent living skills to empower youth to navigate the challenges of adulthood successfully. Participants will explore best practices in transition planning, learn about resources available to support youth in their journey towards independence, and engage in interactive activities to enhance their ability to guide system-involved youth towards self-sufficiency.

8/20/2024 10:30 am – 3:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4.5 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Trauma Impact

These trainings address the impact that trauma has had on the lives of children in our care and how we can help them begin to heal from the trauma they’ve experienced.

Title Description Calendar Time Location CEUs Sponsoring Agency Register Now!

 Strategies to Support System-Involved Youth and Young Adults with Trauma Triggers

Working with system-involved youth can be challenging given the generational patterns of trauma, poverty, incarceration, etc. So, it’s essential for providers to understand generational trauma and how to work with system-involved youth from a generational perspective. Without this perspective, we can have unrealistic expectations for youth and their families and encounter barriers to engagement. Participants will learn strategies to support youth with generational patterns of trauma within their families. Register Here

8/12/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 Lincoln Families

Addressing the Shame and Trauma of System-Involved Youth with Self-Compassion

Shame often accompanies trauma and can delay one’s ability to disclose their abuse, delay one’s healing journey, and can create barriers to utilizing one’s support system. Therefore, it’s crucial for social service providers to understand the connection between shame and trauma. We will talk about how shame presents in services and what we can do to combat shame. One of the strategies we will talk about is self-compassion.

7/29/2024 9:15 am – 1:15 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 A Better Way, Inc.

Anticipatory Grief: Preparing System Involved Youth for an Expected Loss

This training will equip participants with information and tools to effectively support system involved youth and their families who are anticipating future losses. Anticipatory Grief is the distress a person may feel in the days, months, or even years before the death of a loved one or the impending loss of something highly valued. This pre-loss experience is processed differently than the grief that comes after loss. Whereas bereavement is a process of integration that helps us adapt to loss, anticipatory grief is largely an experience of managing distress and evolving hope that is best supported by increasing resilience and coping abilities.

8/23/2024 10:00 am – 12:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Art Heals: The Use of Creative Techniques to Manage Anger for Children and Youth in Care

This training will focus on the importance of professional self-care for those who care for and work with in child welfare systems. Through didactic, collaborative and interactive learning, participants will explore what self-care is and why it is an essential practice for those supporting children/youth who have been traumatized, grieving or distressed. Participants will explore the various stages of a crisis, define compassion fatigue and the obstacles to practicing self-care and identify the six domains of professional self-care. Participants will learn how using creative arts-based tools can teach self-compassion, develop greater insight and connection with themselves and improve their well-being. Register Here

7/30/2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2 Lincoln Families

Environmental Risks for Foster Youth in a Milieu Setting

Youth in residential or shelter placements who are also in a state of crisis can at times be at risk and could potentially use to harm themselves or others. Providers attending this training will learn how to be aware of the elements of the environment that may pose a serious risk to youth who could develop suicidal ideation. Attendees will learn strategies for mitigating risks to ensure the safety of the youth, staff, and visitors. Providers will discuss screening for suicide risks, safety planning, and how to best support youth in a milieu setting while being aware of the environmental risks.

7/30/2024 9:30 am – 11:30 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Exploring Community Resources for Youth: Therapeutic Behavioral Services

One of the central tenets to a team-based approach to working with foster youth is to assess the need for additional services to build a stronger support team for the youth and family. This training provides information about one important service in the community: Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS). By providing intensive home-based and/or school-based behavioral support to youth and caregivers, TBS can be an important complement to less frequent/intensive services that the youth is receiving. TBS is short-term and aims to decrease behaviors that are impairing a youth’s functioning and putting them at risk for being removed from their foster placement, hurting themselves and/or others and severely compromising their relationships […]

7/30/2024 9:00 am – 11:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Grief 101: Helping System-Involved Youth Process, Adapt, & Grow Around Loss

Grief is our natural response to loss. It is a process that is wired into human beings so that we can process painful emotions, identify restorative needs, adapt to unwanted changes, and grow through loss. However, there are multiple internal and external factors that complicate grief, causing this natural process to become stalled or derailed. This training will educate participants about the process of typical grief and common grief complications, as well as offer strategies for bolstering the resilience of system-involved youth (SIY) and families who are adapting to significant loss. This training includes presenter instruction, a slide presentation, learning activities, and explanation of supportive techniques. To increase participant engagement […]

7/30/2024 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 3.75 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Identifying and Developing Skills Needed for Working with Foster Youth

STAT is a mental health screening and assessment program, located at the Alameda County Assessment Center. When a child is taken into protective custody by Alameda County Child Protective Services or the police, s/he is brought to the Assessment Center, a child-friendly receiving center where the child can comfortably wait until placement with a relative, foster home or group home is found. This training identifies and helps to develop the skills that care providers will need to provide a safe and comfortable environment for foster youth. Participants will work together to determine needs of foster youth by modifying program culture to support these practices.

7/30/2024 9:00 am – 11:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Indigenous Perspective: How Trauma Impacts Sleep & Sleep Hygiene for System Involved Youth & Their Caregivers

Trauma can have a significant impact on sleep and sleep hygiene for system-involved youth and their caregivers. Disrupted sleep has been shown in research to cause very harmful consequences to those experiencing it, especially over an extended period time to all areas including health, work/school, relationships, learning, memory and activities of daily living. In this 2-hour training, the presentation will include definitions, research on how trauma negatively can impact sleep, and what to do when youth or caregivers have trauma disrupting their sleep including somatic strategies to improve outcomes for system involved youth who are disproportionately youth of color and all too often negatively affected by trauma. Participants will be […]

8/8/2024 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Indigenous Perspective: How Trauma Impacts Speech and Language in System Involved Youth

Acute, ongoing, and generational trauma has been shown in research to cause very harmful consequences to system-involved youth speech and language skills. In this 2-hour training, the presentation will include definitions; research on the impact of trauma on the brain, learning and speech and language skills; and what to do to improve outcomes for system involved youth who are disproportionately youth of color, and all too often negatively affected by barriers in the learning environment. Participants will be guided through a sequence of learning activities to explore and understand the negative impact of trauma on the brain and to gain increased awareness of how to identify, refer to, and learn […]

8/1/2024 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 2.75 Fred Finch Youth & Family Services

Navigating Boundaries When Working with System-Involved Youth

Boundaries are an essential part of working with traumatized youth and families, yet they can be difficult to implement. Some providers can struggle to implement healthy boundaries due to their own trauma histories, not wanting to offend a client, etc. This training will discuss healthy boundaries for providers, barriers to implementing them and strategies for implementing and maintaining them. Please register with: [email protected]

7/29/2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 4 Lincoln Families

Racial Accountability When Engaging with Foster Youth and Families

This month was designed to support service providers in deepening their awareness of race and the impact it has on their ability to serve at risk youth and families of color. We discussed and looked closely at dilemmas each participant was confronting with youth/families or interpersonally with other providers working with youth. We used the article by Tema Okun to better identify a racial identity development trajectory, as well as looked at “stress shapes” to create better language for the defensive structures that may be in place when we confront elements of racism within foster youth systems.

7/31/2024 9:00 am – 11:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Strategies for Understanding and Strengthening Attachment with Youth

Youth in foster care who have experienced multiple placement disruptions, may struggle with developing lasting relationships, have an under-resourced natural support system, and have difficulty maintaining resiliency and resourcefulness. This training helps attendees better understand attachment difficulties with youth in care. Participants will also learn strategies for strengthening relationships to stabilize placement and build resiliency. The focus of discussion will be around incorporating trauma-informed and social-emotional development principles into best practices for supporting youth in care.

7/30/2024 9:00 am – 11:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Strategies to Support System-Involved Youth with Mood Disruptions and Anxiety

Many system-involved struggle with anxiety and mood disorders. It’s crucial for social service and behavioral health providers to understand the different types of anxiety and mood disorders and know how to effectively support youth and young adults. This training will provide an overview of different types of anxiety and mood disorders as well as practical strategies providers can use to support youth and young adults struggling with them. Please register at: Register Here

7/31/2024 9:00 am – 4:00 pm -DISTANCE LEARNING 7 Lincoln Families

Strategies to Support Youth with Developmental Delays

This training will provide participants with strategies that will help them to better understand the emotional and affective needs of foster youth with developmental delays (sense of belonging, invisibility, loneliness). This training is to help participants develop empathy for the foster youth they work with, their families, and empower providers with tools to support each youth/family’s individual needs.

7/31/2024 9:00 am – 11:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic

Strengthening Conversations between Youth of Color who Engage with White Providers

This training presents several models that can help providers develop a more effective alliance and contribute to a fuller understanding of a youth’s presenting concerns when working across race. This training will highlight how conversations with a foster youth about their many identities and the importance (or lack thereof) of these identities are encouraged early in the engagement process as part of an ongoing conversation that incorporates these contextual frames throughout work with foster youth.

7/30/2024 9:00 am – 11:00 am -DISTANCE LEARNING N/A WestCoast Children’s Clinic