course »Understanding Tools for Conflict Prevention, Resolution and Restorative Justice for Professionals Working in Child Welfare

Date: 2/25/2022, 9:15 am—12:15 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 3
Sponsor: A Better Way, Inc.
Phone: 510-601-0203
Conflicts with and between clients can get in the way of our work, or it can be a powerful part of it. The manner in which we view conflict is a key determinant to how it turns out, as is the comfort level and proven tools that we bring to the process. While many unhealthy conflicts are avoidable, inevitably they arise, and in that case what are effective strategies to manage them? Join us in this interactive training where we will examine how to prevent, resolve, and recover from challenging conflict situations. Together we will explore proven techniques, including empathy taking, assertiveness, mediation, as well as community building and restorative justice circles.