course »Understanding LGBTQ Communities Across Generations

Date: 8/3/2023, 9:00 am—3:00 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 5 CAMFT & RN CE Credits
Sponsor: Seneca Family of Agencies
Phone: 510-654-4004
Is homosexual a bad word? What about queer? Why is it that some LGBTQ people choose one word and not others to identify themselves? How can I, as a provider, understand how to be culturally responsive to LGBTQ clients and their families when they have such different worldviews and life experiences? This training supports providers in understanding how political, social, and historical forces have acted upon LGBTQ people in the United States to shape personal sexuality and gender identities. We will explore key historical and cultural moments that shaped generations of LGBTQ people, and explore the tensions between generational cohorts based on how each cohort preserved their dignity in the face of oppression, and/or claimed their authenticity through scientific and technological changes. We will watch a short video giving different perspectives to the question, “Who threw the first brick at Stonewall?” as well as excerpts from the documentaries Before Stonewall and After Stonewall. Participants will leave with a better intersectional understanding of how coming out in different historical eras impacts sexuality & gender development, identity articulation, access to community, and communication styles between older and younger LGBTQ people.