course »Understanding How People Engage in Emotional Testing and Responding Effectively to Support System Involved Youth

Date: 9/28/2021, 9:00 am—12:30 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 3.25
Sponsor: Fred Finch Youth & Family Services
Phone: 510-482-2244
Virtual Instructor Led Training

As part of making sense of our social world, we all test the people around us. If we grow up in stable and nurturing environment, we often learn to successfully negotiate in the world. For those who have experience abuse and neglect, the lack of stability, safety, nurturing and healthy boundaries often leads to emotional and behavioral problems. People who support these youth benefit from identifying the types of tests abused and neglected youth present and knowing how to pass these tests and support the youth in healing and learning to function more effectively in the world. In this class we will identify types of tests and discuss ways to “pass” these tests. This class is useful for anyone supporting system involved youth including child welfare workers, educators, psychotherapist, parents and caregivers.