course »The Nurtured Heart Approach Part Two: The Reset—Powerful Tool for Self-Regulation

Date: 12/21/2021, 5:00 pm—6:30 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 1.5
Sponsor: WestCoast Children’s Clinic
Phone: 510-269-9030
“The powerful, intentional and specific tools that help our children shift from acting out in negative ways to awesome ways. This training will discuss new ways to see positive steps in even the most challenging situations. Specifically, it will emphasize introduction to The Nurtured Heart Approach, three Stands, and positive recognitions. The powerful, intentional and specific tools that help our children shift from acting out in negative ways to awesome ways will be examined. This discussion will learn towards the Reset—Powerful Tool for Self-Regulation and learn “The Reset” – out with punishment, in with self-regulation and self-control. ”