course »The Dangers of a Colorblind Approach to Parenting: Specialized Support for White Caregivers of Youth of Color in Transracial Foster and Adoptive Homes

Date: 11/18/2020, 12:15 pm—4:15 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 4
Sponsor: A Better Way, Inc.
Phone: 510-601-0203
Online Training

Do you know youth and families trying to navigate transracial foster and adoptive placements/homes? Many of the issues they are facing are fairly typical of foster and adoptive homes. At the same time, we know that youth placed in homes with caregivers of a different racial/cultural group often experience distinct challenges in family, school and community life. If foster and adoptive parents are not considering racial identity development as a critical part of a youth’s needs while in care, then accidental harm can be done. Concrete scripts for supporting youth and caregivers in these conspicuous families will be explored.

This training is designed to examine the strengths and challenges involved in transracial foster and adoptive placements, and to provide concrete support strategies for those working with youth and families in transracial placements.

*Participants can utilize their new skills and knowledge after the training to reinforce their learning by: 1. Incorporating knowledge obtained in the course to support parents and caregivers through the challenges of trans-racial adoptive and foster parenting. 2. Effectively communicating with youth and children in foster care who are struggling with trans-racial adoptive and foster parenting.