course »Setting and Maintaining Culturally Appropriate Boundaries in Work with System Involved Youth and their Families

Date: 4/21/2023, 9:00 am—1:15 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 4
Sponsor: Fred Finch Youth & Family Services
Phone: 510-482-2244
In all our relationships (work, social life, family) we consciously or unconsciously set personal and professional boundaries. In the work setting, it is important to be conscious and thoughtful about the boundaries we set to maximize the impact of our interactions with system involved youth and their families. In this training we will discuss how to set culturally appropriate boundaries with system involved youth and their families in different situations including use of technology, physical contact, dual relationships and accepting gifts. We will also explore particularly challenging situations in work with system involved youth and their families and have time to think through boundary issues in current system involved youth and families with which participants support.