course »Self-Regulation & Mindfulness Practices for System-Involved Youth

Date: 11/10/2021, 10:00 am—12:30 pm
County: -Training Offerings
Sponsor: Catholic Charities / St. Vincent’s School for Boys
Kelsey Pacha, MA, Mdiv – This training supports providers working with system-involved youth, including youth with mental health diagnoses, developmental delays, and/or substance use, in identifying ways to help clients self-regulate if they are dysregulated in their work together. Participants will explore multiple mindfulness practices and embody them, as well as experiment with coaching a client in using such practices. Participants will identify practices that will be most helpful and relevant to their clients based on developmental age. Mindfulness practices include: the “brain hand” activity, feelings wheel, body sculpting/power poses, body scan, and more somatic exercises.