course »Screening Youth Needs with a Race-Conscious Lens: Acknowledging the Harmful History and Working Toward Honesty, Humility, and Healing

Date: 6/17/2021, 11:00 am—12:30 pm
County: -Training Offerings
Sponsor: WestCoast Children’s Clinic
Phone: 510-269-9030
Virtual Instructor Led Training

This training describes ways to incorporate antiracist practices throughout the assessment process. Antiracist practice is a constant series of choices toward equity at the individual, interpersonal, and institutional level. To be antiracist requires assessors to reflect on their own biases and to acknowledge how the profession upholds white supremacy. Moving toward antiracist practices is crucial because of the racist history of psychological assessment and the ways that people of color have been harmed by assessment processes and outcomes. This training will offer an historicized perspective on the detrimental effects of psychological assessment in order to frame the need for intentional efforts toward antiracist assessment practices among assessors.