course »Resource Family Pre-Approval Training – Sessions 3 and 4

Date: 1/16/2021, 9:00 am—3:30 pm
County: -Training Offerings
Sponsor: Alternative Family Services (AFS)
Phone: (916) 254-5200
Online Class

This series of trainings is designed to prepare resource families to work with youth in the foster care system. Participants will receive a better understanding of the Child Welfare System structure and explore how to provide a well-planned, safe, and secure environment designed to meet children’s individual and unique needs.

Session 3 begins with an overview of child development. What to expect of a non-traumatized child vs. a child who has experienced trauma. Trainers will discuss “normal” development through the different ages and stages of development from birth through adolescence; and the impact of trauma on brain and physical development throughout these stages. Woven into this dialogue is understanding the developmental needs of youth in foster care, regarding attachment.

Session 4 discusses trauma informed interventions throughout the developmental stages and ages. Inherent in these interventions is the cultural development of children who have experienced trauma. Resource parent developing cultural humility and acceptance of the child; including his/her experience of grief and loss.