course »Psychological Impacts of the Climate and Environmental Crisis in Work with Youth Part 2 of 2:  Providing Support for Youth in the Time of Climate Crisis

Date: 8/23/2023, 10:00 am—2:00 pm
County: -Training Offerings
Sponsor: Seneca Family of Agencies
Phone: 510-654-4004
With the growing impacts of the climate and environmental crisis and the disproportionate harms seen in low-income, at-risk and marginalized communities, clinicians and youth care workers can benefit by first understanding and working with their own emotional responses to this crisis, since they are embedded in this same problem as their clients. This workshop will include an overview of the climate crisis and the mental health impacts for young people, as well as present ways for youth service workers to process their own emotional reactions. We will utilize a variety of experiential exercises to understand the tendency to move away from pain and awareness, as well as practices to enlarge what can be known, felt and shared. Finally, we will discuss important strategies for building psychological resilience.