Date: 4/20/2018, 8:00 am—3:00 pm
County: Mendocino County
CEUs: Yes
Location: Ukiah
Sponsor: Mendocino County Youth Project
Phone: 707-463-4915
MI is a strategy of counseling that works to support someone in making the next steps in the behavioral changes desired.
This workshop series is for professionals who work with youth in the foster care or juvenile justice system or who are high risk of entering the system. Instructor Dr. Igor Koutsenok is a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California, San Diego, Director of the UCSD Center for Criminality and Addiction Research, Training and Application (CCARTA), and Co- Director of the South East Asia Addiction Technology Transfer Center. Training participants find Igor to be personable, bringing work day relevance and ease of learning to his trainings.