Mendocino County Foster Care Training Course Catalog
Courses are sorted by Category:
Arts & Activities
Trainings offered cover the importance of art and activities for youth as well as how to design engaging and therapeutic activities.
No planned courses at this time
Behavioral Strategies
These trainings address the importance of using behavioral modification techniques such as positive reinforcement to help a child change their behaviors to those that are more conducive to healthy relationships with adults and peers.
Title | Description | Calendar | Time | Location | CEUs | Sponsoring Agency | Register Now! |
Child Development
Trainings include topics such as an overview of the stages of child development to the importance of understanding a child’s actual age versus their developmental age, and why that distinction is important in caring for children.
Title | Description | Calendar | Time | Location | CEUs | Sponsoring Agency | Register Now! |
Cultural Awareness
Includes trainings that cover cultural awareness, including unconscious bias, cultural humility, cultural competence and working with certain populations.
Title | Description | Calendar | Time | Location | CEUs | Sponsoring Agency | Register Now! |
Family Issues
Topics include how to locate potential permanent family members (Family Finding) as well as how to engage and include family members in a child’s life.
Title | Description | Calendar | Time | Location | CEUs | Sponsoring Agency | Register Now! |
For Caregivers
Caregiver trainings.
Title | Description | Calendar | Time | Location | CEUs | Sponsoring Agency | Register Now! |
Health & Safety
Includes trainings on best practices for insuring children are healthy, safe and receiving the medical care they need.
Title | Description | Calendar | Time | Location | CEUs | Sponsoring Agency | Register Now! |
On Demand
On Demand indicates online prerecorded classes that are available on demand any time.
No planned courses at this time
These trainings include topics that are not listed in any other categories.
Title | Description | Calendar | Time | Location | CEUs | Sponsoring Agency | Register Now! |
Trauma Impact
These trainings address the impact that trauma has had on the lives of children in our care and how we can help them begin to heal from the trauma they’ve experienced.
Title | Description | Calendar | Time | Location | CEUs | Sponsoring Agency | Register Now! |