course »LGBTQ 201: Advanced Practices in Supporting LGBTQ Clients and Colleagues

Date: 9/28/2022, 10:00 am—12:00 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 2
Sponsor: Lincoln Families
Phone: 510-273-4700
This course supports providers in deepening their understanding of gender and sexual identities with an emphasis on correct use of gender pronouns. Facilitated by an expert in the evolution of neopronouns, participants will learn the difference between gender-neutral, nonbinary, and neopronouns and perform two role-plays to embody best pronoun practices (how to ask about pronouns and what to do if you misgender someone.) Through facilitated discussions, and group activities, participants will grow their understanding of how embodying gender pronoun best practices supports all people, LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ alike. Please register at:
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