course »Know Your Rights for Providers Working with LGBTQ Youth in Care

Date: 3/17/2021, 8:00 am—12:00 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 4
Sponsor: East Bay Agency for Children
Phone: 510-844-5370, Ext. 4135
Online Class

This training will educate providers about the laws that protect LGBTQ youth in care in California, as well as alert them to procedures for reporting anti-LGBTQ discrimination and how to support a client’s name and/or gender change. Participants will participate in a group assessment regarding knowledge of these laws, learn procedures for filing various types of discrimination reports, and complete a case study in small groups. They will also consider what recourse a client at their agency (or other context) may have in reporting discrimination against a fellow provider and strategize about how to support such clients in advocacy.