course »Interrogating White Supremacy Culture & Power for White Supervisors of Youth Care Providers Day 1 of 3

Date: 12/5/2022, 9:00 am—11:30 am
County: -Training Offerings
Sponsor: Seneca Family of Agencies
Phone: 510-654-4004
The focus of this training series is to build the capacity of white supervisors to name, explore, and navigate power when supervising youth service providers. Participants will examine their role and responsibility to understand the political and historical context of white supremacy, interrupt and repair harm as it comes up in their work, advocate for equitable policies, and interrogate how they act out characteristics of white supremacy culture. Through journal reflection, discussion, community building, accountability groups, and somatic practices, supervisors will develop multiple frameworks and strategies to interrupt and disrupt the ways we perpetuate white body supremacy  in our work with youth, youth service provider staff, and teams.