course »Impact of Stigma Towards People Who use Substances on Outcomes for System Involved Youth & Families

Date: 7/18/2023, 12:00 pm—4:00 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 3.75
Sponsor: Fred Finch Youth & Family Services
Phone: 510-482-2244
Substance use disorder (SUD), the most globally stigmatized health condition, remains disproportionately high for foster and system involved youth. Substance use can be exacerbated by adverse experiences, maltreatment, mental illness, and parental substance use-all of which occur at higher than average rates for foster and system involved youth. Despite growing knowledge of the physiolgical and social determinants of SUD, stigma towards people who use substances remains a barrier to accessing care and a significant public health concern, driving health inequities across the life course. This workshop will explore these topics – and examine strategies to identify and reduce stigmatization of individuals who use substances including: addressing individual stereotypes, prejudice, and misconceptions; collaborating with people who have lived experience in substance use; using community-based approaches; addressing stigmatizing language; understanding the social and environmental factors that influence substance use; and advocating for stigma-reducing policies.