course »How to Respond to Children and Youth Experiencing Trauma

Date: 1/17/2023, 9:00 am—11:30 am
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 2
Sponsor: Family Paths, Inc.
Phone: 510-893-9230
Training Summary: The purpose of this course is to provide counselors with practical insights and solutions to support parents and caregivers of children or youth experiencing trauma. We will be identifying signs of trauma among different age groups and incorporate practical ways to effectively parent kids experiencing trauma. We will also implement the four essentials of parenting a traumatized child and practice effective ways to engage with youth and young children during and after a crisis. Participants will be able to: -Define the meaning of trauma -Understand trauma reminders -Identify signs of trauma among children of different ages -Provide appropriate support to parents of children experiencing trauma -Practice “ Q-tip”