course »How do you Measure Progress in Racial Equity Work?

Date: 11/12/2021, 3:00 pm—4:30 pm
County: -Training Offerings
Sponsor: WestCoast Children’s Clinic
Phone: 510-269-9030
Online Class

Racial equity specifically is about a persistent effort to manage change daily in our institutions. Equity work requires foundations and their leadership to be ambidextrous – simultaneously paying attention to what’s happening inside the organization with our people, culture, and policies and outside the organization in the social, political, and cultural environment. This is especially true for organizations serving youth in foster care where youth and families are directly impacted by racist policies, practices, and conditions. As we implement new policies or procedures to move toward more equitable practices, how can we measure progress? This training will review ways to identify indicators of progress that can improve the outcomes of youth in care.