course »Helping Helpers Deal with Secondary Trauma: Parts 1 & 2

Date: 12/6/2022, 9:15 am—4:15 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 3
Sponsor: Family Paths, Inc.
Phone: 510-893-9230
Training Summary: This course is designed to provide staff with behavior management strategies for working with traumatized youth and families. The aim of the course is to assist adults helping severely emotionally disturbed youth and families have some clarity about how working with trauma creates trauma. It is a common experience for mental health professionals. Therefore, people working in trauma mental health, need to watch for signs and symptoms as well as participate in rigorous self-care strategies. This is a 2-part training. In the second part we will also examine treatment options. Participants will be able to: -Define Secondary Trauma, Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue -Identify personal situations leading to potential secondary trauma along with symptoms -Describe areas of personal challenges within trauma work -Describe area>