course »Grief 101: Helping System-Involved Youth Process, Adapt, & Grow Around Loss

Date: 7/30/2024, 12:30 pm—4:30 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 3.75
Sponsor: Fred Finch Youth & Family Services
Phone: 510-482-2244
Grief is our natural response to loss. It is a process that is wired into human beings so that we can process painful emotions, identify restorative needs, adapt to unwanted changes, and grow through loss. However, there are multiple internal and external factors that complicate grief, causing this natural process to become stalled or derailed. This training will educate participants about the process of typical grief and common grief complications, as well as offer strategies for bolstering the resilience of system-involved youth (SIY) and families who are adapting to significant loss. This training includes presenter instruction, a slide presentation, learning activities, and explanation of supportive techniques. To increase participant engagement and content retention, the presenter will also utilize the chat box, reaction emojis, guided participant discussion, a learning activity, breakout room conversation, and opportunities for Questions & Answers (Q & A).