course »Foundational Understanding of White Supremacy Culture & Characteristics: Creating Frameworks to Identify and Interrupt for Youth Care Professionals

Date: 5/3/2023, 10:00 am—1:00 pm
County: -Training Offerings
Sponsor: Seneca Family of Agencies
Phone: 510-654-4004
This training is perfect for those who would like a foundational understanding of what white supremacy culture is and how it shows up in their work. This training will explore the foundational concept of white supremacy culture and its roots in colonization. Participants will examine the ways that white supremacy culture overtly and covertly teaches us that whiteness holds value, and explore ways to interrupt it, especially in work with youth. By using the work of Tema Okun, participants will learn about each characteristic of white supremacy culture and identify the role that these characteristics play in their work. Through journal reflection, discussion, and group activities, participants will develop multiple strategies and frameworks to interrupt and disrupt the ways we perpetuate white supremacy culture in our work as youth service providers.