course »Engaging in Critical Reflection for Individuals Working with System Involved Youth and Families

Date: 3/26/2021, 9:30 am—1:00 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 3.25
Sponsor: Fred Finch Youth & Family Services
Phone: 510-482-2244
Online Training

Critical reflection is a process in which participants engage in an ongoing process of raising their awareness on their throughs, beliefs, and attitudes about subjects of oppression. Reflection is a process that allows the system involved youth and families to “integrate the understanding gained into one’s experience in order to enable better choices or actions in the future as well as enhance one’s overall effectiveness”. The model we will learn suggests that learning begins with the experience and knowledge of participants. After participants have shared their experience, they look for patterns and analyze that experience. After attending this training leaners will be able to use the skills and knowledge gained for self-reflection and the facilitation of reflection with others in their work with system involved youth.