course »Developmental Trauma

Date: 10/2/2020, 10:00 am—11:30 am
County: Mendocino County
Online Training
Sponsored by Redwood Community Services

Via an interactive lecture style this class is designed to look at trauma from a different angle which is the same and different from what our current knowledge about trauma and behavior is. Through the lens of neurobiology, we look at the physical effects of trauma on the developing brain and how this manifests in the behaviors we see with children who have lived with constant trauma. If a child has been abused, battered, or neglected by the individual that is supposed to love them most, then what would make subsequent relationships appear any safer? Our earliest relationships create blueprints for all our future relationships.

These early experiences in relationships create the lens through which we view others. Every interaction that we have with another individual is influenced by our own personal past experiences.

John Bowlby, the father of attachment theory, espoused that the first three years of our lives establish the blueprints for all our future relationships. When we consider trauma in the lives of children it is important to realize that most traumatic experiences occurring in their lives typically involves some aspect of human relationship. Trainer: Isabel Fazzone

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