course »DescoloniSanando: La Intersección De Estrategias Tradicionales y Modernas

Date: 9/10/2021, 4:00 pm—6:00 pm
County: -Training Offerings
Sponsor: WestCoast Children’s Clinic
Phone: 510-269-9030
Virtual Instructor Led Training

This training provided in Spanish. We will review decolonial and traditional healing frameworks. These practices provide more opportunity for self-agency of youth and nurtures compassion in care providers. Furthermore, decolonial approaches and traditional healing modalities are liberatory in nature and often resonantes more with youth, especially youth with backgrounds from Mexico, Central America, and South America. Participants will learn what it means to decolonize services and supports for youth, and ancestral healing approaches such as spiritual practices, food as medicine, and supports for behavioral and emotional needs and trauma, and rituals for healing that are applicable to youth in care.