course »De-Escalation in the Youth Care Environment

Date: 5/18/2023, 9:00 am—4:00 pm
County: -Training Offerings
Sponsor: Seneca Family of Agencies
Phone: 510-654-4004
Participants will discuss different conflicts and escalations that can arise while interacting with youth, caregivers, parents, and extended family members during their work together. Topics of discussion will include the differences between the emotional and rational brain and how our corresponding goals and strategies will differ depending on what state our families are in. We will also cover the three negotiating styles of nice, difficult, and shadow, and how a person’s communication script affects how they engage in conflict. We will practice how to effectively use mirroring, paraphrasing, questions, reflecting the core message and affect labeling to de-escalate almost any situation. The training will address the role of empathy and professionalism, and what is not heard well in crisis communication. Participants will be encouraged to share personal stories and strategies to build on their extensive knowledge and practice. Breakout sessions and exercises will be utilized to create real-time feedback for further discussion and skill development.