course »Dancing In the Darkness: Working With Self-Harming Behaviors

Date: 4/9/2021, 12:00 pm—3:00 pm
County: -Training Offerings
Sponsor: Family Paths, Inc.
Phone: 510-893-9230
Online Training

Self-Harming behaviors are often disheartening for clinicians work with because they don’t know how to interrupt this pattern of behavior. Clinicians oftentimes have not been educated on the physiological and emotional patterns that reinforce self-harming behaviors in clients. In this time of COVID, clinicians must provide virtual sessions which in turn, amplifies the need to intervene effectively while also battling a sense of helplessness to do so. This training empowers clinicians by presenting the physiological and emotional underpinnings of self-harming behaviors and explains how they serve clients. Participants will receive step by step guidelines of how to interact with clients in the short and long term.