course »Culturally Responsive Play to Effectively Work with Children Who Are Suicidal

Date: 5/5/2023, 1:00 pm—4:00 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 2.5
Sponsor: East Bay Agency for Children
Phone: 510-844-5370, Ext. 4135
Clinicians need to be ready to respond when presented with children’s suicidal ideation and intent. This session uses a culturally-informed lens to review suicidal risks and warning signs in young children receiving play interventions. This information is critical for the care of children involved with the child welfare system, particularly given increasing rates of suicidality and risk factors for suicidal behavior among children experiencing childhood trauma and abuse. Through instructor presentation, discussion, and practice, clinicians will learn knowledge and skills to use for targeted and play-based screening, assessment, and intervention for children and their caregivers.