course »Cultivating Cultural Responsivity in Agencies that Serve System-Involved Youth

Date: 9/8/2022, 9:00 am—2:15 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 5
Sponsor: Family Paths, Inc.
Phone: 510-893-9230
Training Summary: Because of recent occurrences of violence and injustice, the call for cultural responsivity was revived for some and revealed to others. Many people were reminded of the need to develop skills and awareness to become respectful to everyone. Staff who work with system-involved youth must work with people from different cultural backgrounds, serve system-involved youth, and work to cultivate an environment within their agency that is safe for all. In this interactive training, staff who work with system-involved youth will engage in productive dialogue to learn steps toward cultivating this environment within their agencies to better support and help improve outcomes for the system-involved youth and families they serve. Participants will be able to: -Discover and discuss how biases interfere with the services provided to system-involved youth -Gain knowledge about methods to cultivate and influence an environment where learning, growth, healing, and acceptance can thrive and how this can improve services provided to system-involved youth -Learn ways to channel strong feelings into productive conversations and meaningful efforts toward cultural responsivity within your agency -Learn skills to cultivate and influence an agency environment where learning, collaboration, trust, and safety can thrive