course »Conscious, Nonviolent Parenting: Decolonialising Parenting in Communities of African Ancestry in the US Day 2 of 4

Date: 3/14/2023, 9:00 am—1:00 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 3.25 CAMFT & RN CEUs
Sponsor: Seneca Family of Agencies
Phone: 510-654-4004
Conscious Nonviolent Parenting is an intentionally chosen and practiced lifestyle of raising children in a safe, respectful, environment where clearly delineated high expectations, high values, and high mutual regard reign within a consciousness of ‘the personal is political’. Woke,  means to be awake and aware, conscious, and concerned about social injustices with the context of current socio-political landscape of our society. No amount of political denigration of the term ‘woke’ diminishes the veracity of socio-historic corrosiveness leveled against people of Black, indigenous, and other People of Colour in the United States. In this training series, we will examine how socio-historic injustices can impact aspects of parenting styles specifically among families of African ancestry in the US. Additionally, we will outline means of, 1) decolonialising parenting proclivities, and assumptions 2) developing and upholding strength-based models/strategies, and 3) enhancing culturally germane and responsive protective factors for Black youth and family success. Lecture, demonstrations, expressive arts activities, introspection, and dialogue will be employed.