course »Communication About Addiction in Foster Families

Date: 2/23/2021, 12:00 pm—4:00 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 3.5
Sponsor: Fred Finch Youth & Family Services
Phone: 510-482-2244
Online Training

Many foster families are affected by addiction on some level and at some point in time. The effects of addiction on the foster family can be significant even when the addiction is not active in the current household. Addiction can affect any member or all members of both families. The need to support foster families with the effects of addiction is necessary for families to thrive. The need to support these families with education and communication surrounding addiction is significant. Understanding, transforming and redefining addiction within foster families is possible when we are able to address the underlying toxic shame and traumas leading to addictive behaviors. When we are able to empower families to communicate about addiction and addictive behaviors without shaming or blaming families are given an opportunity to thrive together.

This course offers simple systems and techniques to educate and facilitate communication within foster families surrounding addiction. This course allows participants to learn how to support foster families to understand the underlying toxic shame and issues that lead to addictive behaviors as well as how to communicate to resolve these issues.