Date: 10/15/2020, 9:00 am—11:00 am
County: Mendocino County
Sponsored by Redwood Community Services
You know the scenario… you’re in the market and your child asks for a gumball. You are trying to maintain boundaries and you remember that the last gumball ended up all over the back seat of your car. So you say “no” and your child launches an epic portrayal of his perceived needs. In an instant he is on the ground rolling around trying to kick anything he can reach, including you. What you do next is very important in the way your child handles this same situation in the future.
Some children find it difficult to both self-regulate and co-regulate often due to sensory motor difficulties which may be due to trauma, anxiety, other developmental or neurocognitive difficulties.
It is common that some children have difficulty with co-regulation due to the difficulty they have with following and identifying patterns, therefore interactions with others becomes completely unpredictable.
Some children who find it difficult to co-regulate may show attempts to gain control of an activity, not allow turn taking, show selfish behaviors, fluctuating energy levels, and tantrums which may lead to meltdowns.
Join us for this informative 2 hour training on what you can do to help your child regulate and recover.
This is an important training for those that work directly with children such as daycare workers, teachers, counselors, therapists, social workers, nurses, parents and resource parents.
Trainer: Isabel Fazzone
Register Here