Date: 10/27/2020, 10:00 am—12:00 pm
County: Mendocino County
Sponsored by Redwood Community Services
Understanding Aggression
There is logic behind the behaviors of our children and our challenge is to understand its context.
Foster Parents have often been the strongest advocates for a more informed approach to helping children learn new behavioral skills and here it is! While not all parents have the skills to deal effectively with unacceptable behaviors, many have expressed frustration and anger over the use of repeated punishment. Their experience has been that punishment does not address the problems that the child is having, but instead addresses the symptoms. If we can look past the symptoms and get to the root of behaviors we can address them at their source.
The challenge for foster parents and educators is to find new ways of understanding the interactions between a child and his or her environment so that useful interventions can be developed that lead to lasting behavior change.
This is an excellent course for parents, resource parents, counselors, therapists, social workers, nurses, and child care workers.
Trainer: Isabel Fazzone
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