course »Benefits of The Zones of Regulation on the Virtual Classroom

Date: 6/9/2021, 9:00 am—12:00 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 3
Sponsor: East Bay Agency for Children
Phone: 510-844-5370, Ext. 4135
Virtual Instructor Led Training

This training will provide an introduction to the social-emotional learning curriculum The Zones of Regulation (Kuypers, 2011). This curriculum is designed to foster the development of the following skills in children: how to identify and understand their emotions, how to know their triggers, how to self- regulate, and how to take the perspective of others. This leads to students becoming more self-aware, better able to manage their emotions and behavior, and better able to navigate relationships so that they can be more successful in the classroom and beyond. This training will also provide a foundational understanding of the ways in which self-regulation skills are developed in early childhood, and how early experiences of trauma can lead to the social and emotional difficulties which are addressed by the Zones of Regulation.