course »“Help, I’ve Just Gotten Subpoenaed!” Considerations for Mental Health Professionals Who Work with System-Involved Children, Youth and Families

Date: 3/11/2025, 9:00 am—12:00 pm
County: -Training Offerings
CEUs: 3
Sponsor: Family Paths, Inc.
Phone: 510-893-9230
Training Summary: Mental health professionals (MHPs) who work with system-involved children, youth and families often get called upon to participate in the legal processes under subpoena. This workshop will provide information to assist administrators and staff to respond in a manner that protects clients and MHP’s and is appropriate to the three most common types of subpoenas. The purpose of this course is to address common situations mental health professionals encounter involving subpoenas for records, depositions, and testimony. We will review California privilege standards, authorizations to release information, subpoena types, differentiating court orders from subpoenas, common objections, and steps to consider when confronted with the range of (primarily) civil subpoenas. This course will assist administrators and staff in developing a careful approach to addressing legal requests for records and testimony, and effective ways to comport oneself if required to testify. Class Objectives: (what knowledge, ideas or skills will participants explore, learn, practice, etc during the training) 1. Identify three general types of subpoenas. 2. Define three necessary steps to prepare prior to receiving legal request for records. 3. Differentiate between a subpoena and a direct court order. 4. Name four steps to take after receiving a subpoena. Participants will be able to: 1. Participants will be able to identify the kind of legal request for records or testimony they have received. 2. Participants will reduce risks in responding to subpoenas received while working with children, youth and families.
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