course »Working with The School System – Meeting Educational Needs of Youth in Foster Care

Date: 8/25/2016, 6:00 pm—9:00 pm
County: Solano County
Location: Vallejo
Sponsor: Alternative Family Services (AFS)
Phone: (916) 254-5200
This training course is designed to address the educational needs of children in the foster care system. Presenter will discuss how educational outcomes for foster youth read like a list of all the things we don’t want for our children; Lower grades, more behavior problems, higher rates of suspension from school, lower high school graduation rates, and very low postsecondary school completion rates.

  1. Participants will review and discuss key challenges of foster youth and the educational system
  2. Participants will discuss how to help foster youth achieve educational success by being an appropriate, consistent, caring adult in their lives. Someone willing to be their advocate for them and solely for their best interests.
  3. Participants will review the differences between a 504 Plan verses IEP (Individual Educational Plan). Discuss the impacts of these educational plan and how they support the youth.