course »Working with Latino Families, Part II

Date: 6/17/2015, 9:00 am—1:00 pm
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 4
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: Fred Finch Youth & Family Services
Phone: 510-482-2244
This workshop will provide an overview on understanding the cultural context of experiences and the spectrum of diverse Latinos and families today. As diverse Latino populations have increased in size in the United States, service provisions from all disciplines need to integrate culturally responsive services that will increase recruitment and retention of Latino families. Discussion will cover the significance of understanding the experiences of historical to contemporary oppression, racism, discrimination and the negative effects on mental and physical health problems.

Attention will be on family dynamics, parenting, and cultural values that are important when working with Latinos. Discussion will include age, and gender roles from more traditional Latinos to more assimilated Latinos. Emphasis will focus on understanding the spectrum of diverse Latino experiences in order to avoid stereotyping clients. Exploration of personal biases and ways they manifest unknowingly in service provision will be reviewed. Discussion will include strategies and tools that support cultural responsiveness in assessment, evaluation and treatment. Finally, recommendations will be made on the use of evidence-based models and integration of culturally responsive approaches to better serve and improve retention of Latino clients and families.