course »Understanding the Harmful Impacts of Institutionalized Power Structures within Foster Youth Systems

Date: 6/21/2019, 11:00 am—12:30 pm
County: Alameda County
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: WestCoast Children’s Clinic
Phone: 510-269-9030
This workshop is designed to provide white-identified leaders with space to explore the impact that White Supremacy has had on their own socialization process and subsequently the impact they bear on their colleagues, clients and supervisees of color. Building off of the small group nature of the workshop, participants will be asked to reflect on the ways that this system has shaped the way that they lead within the context of a nonprofit organization. We will also be discussing and processing the idea of white identity and what it personally means to each of us. The white supremacy iceberg will be used as a tool to help facilitate discussion. In addition, participants will utilize tools for inquiry to help engage in process.