Date: 4/6/2017, 9:00 am—4:00 pm
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 6
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: Lincoln
Phone: 510-273-4700, ext. 4331
In this workshop, participants will receive an overview of the collaborative-problem solving paradigm created by Ross Greene, MD, for use in crisis prevention and intervention with emotionally disturbed children in out of home care. Participants will be presented with information regarding the formulation of social, emotional, and behavioral concerns as being rooted in cognitive skills deficits, and an approach to intervention that is founded upon collaboratively arriving at solutions to triggering problems rather than rewards and/or consequences. Participants will be given guidance regarding assessing specific skills deficits and unsolved problems that are triggering a given child’s crises. Course format will be didactic lecture, seminar discussion, and role-plays.