course »Trauma Informed Service Foundations – Day 2

Date: 5/27/2020, 1:00 pm—3:00 pm
County: Alameda County
Sponsor: First Place for Youth
Phone: 510-272-0979, ext. 229
2 Day Online Training: 5/20, 5/27/20

This virtual training will cover key philosophical pillars to providing trauma informed services from the perspective of the organization, program services/systems, and interpersonal interactions between staff and youth.  In addition to the services aspects to our youth, we will discuss staff burn out, vicarious trauma, and steps we can take around self-care.  We will also be taking the Proqol (individually and privately) which is a self-assessment tool for those in the helping profession for assessing burn out and what actions should be taken based on your self-assessment.