course »Trauma Competent Caregiving

Date: 3/7/2019, 9:15 am—12:15 pm
County: Solano County
Location: Fairfield
Sponsor: Aldea Children & Family Services
Phone: 707-557-4560
Children in care are more likely to have been exposed to multiple forms of traumatic experiences, such as physical or sexual abuse, neglect, family and/or community violence, trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation, bullying, or loss of loved ones. In addition to the circumstances of abuse or neglect that led to their removal, children may be subject to further stresses after entering the system, including separation from family, friends, and community, as well as the uncertainty of their future. Repetitive and significant encounters with trauma and stress have real consequences for the physical, social, and emotional wellbeing of children. The trauma experienced by children in foster care is often complex and, if left untreated, can permanently affect the growth and development of a child and invite lasting repercussions felt decades later. Symptoms of trauma may include behavioral problems, attention/concentration issues, separation anxiety, and extreme impulsivity.  The journey toward healing for children who come from a difficult history of abuse, neglect and loss can be a challenging one.  It is essential for these children that their caregivers  have the skills to provide trauma competent care.