course »Transforming Stress and Trauma Fostering Wellness and Resilience

Date: 5/22/2020, 12:30 pm—2:30 pm
County: Alameda County
Sponsor: WestCoast Children’s Clinic
Phone: 510-269-9030
Online Training

There is a growing demand for education and supports to better understand, respond to, and heal the impact of trauma. The Trauma Informed Systems 101 is a basic training to understand how trauma and stress impacts developing bodies and brains and systems supporting foster youth.

The goal of this training is to develop shared language and understanding of what it means to be trauma-informed and apply common practices to help support healing.

This training was developed for staff working in impacted systems of care, with the goal of moving those systems from being trauma-inducing to become healing organizations. The training focuses on our six trauma-informed principles:
  1. Understanding Trauma and Stress,
  2. Cultural Humility and Responsiveness,
  3. Safety and Stability,
  4. Compassion and Dependability,
  5. Collaboration and Empowerment, and
  6. Resilience and recovery.
By creating a shared understanding and language to address stress and trauma, organizations are then better able to serve youth and support providers and begin to move away from blame and towards compassion.