course »The Parent to Prison Pipeline

Date: 6/7/2018, 6:30 pm—9:30 pm
County: Alameda County
Location: Oakland
Research shows that black parents are more than twice as likely as white and Latino parents to use corporal punishment on a regular basis, and they are far less likely to never spank their children. But while hitting children is prevalent in black communities, contrary to popular belief, it is not an intrinsic cultural tradition to which members of the child welfare professionals should capitulate for the sake of demonstrating cultural competency. Black parents have legitimate fears about the safety of their children, and an overwhelming majority believe physical discipline is necessary to keep black children out of the streets, out of prison, or out of cops’ line of vision. Black parents who hit their children not only risk catching the attention of child protective services which are over-concentrated in communities of color, but also having their children placed in foster care, which is a pipeline to the juvenile justice system and other types of traps that disproportionately impact black youth. This workshop is designed to educate professionals, parents, clergy, law enforcement officials and advocates about the rise of mass incarceration and its impact on communities of color and their parenting practices. The audience will explore strategies that parents can protect, care for, and love black children in ways that don’t help facilitate the flow of our young people through racist systems, but supports healthy development and success later in life.

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