Date: 4/9/2018, 9:00 am—12:00 pm
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 2.75
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: Fred Finch Youth & Family Services
Phone: 510-482-2244
This training is geared toward professionals who serve children ages 0-10 years old. Using Positive Behavior Support and evidence based research, participants will learn individualized interventions that help support children and prevent challenging behaviors. Children who are at risk and have a history of trauma, mental health issues or development delays may be more vulnerable to managing the stress of daily life. As a result, they may exhibit challenging behaviors to adults but their behavior is communicating something! Behavior communicates the need to gain someone or something, avoid someone or something or to express an emotions. Today learn about supporting children by developing social stories, visual strategies and other interventions that will help them stay on track socially and emotionally.