Date: 5/9/2017, 10:00 am—11:00 am
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 1
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: Lincoln
Phone: 510-273-4700, ext. 4331
Staff will receive a definition of unlawful sexual harassment, a review of laws concerning the prohibition against and the prevention of unlawful sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation in employment, and a summary of the types of conduct constituting sexual harassment. Additionally, remedies available for victims of sexual harassment and strategies to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace will be reviewed. Factual scenarios based on examples from case law, media accounts, and workplace situations illustrating sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation will be provided, as will an explanation of the limited confidentiality of the complaint process. Staff will also receive information regarding resources for victims of unlawful sexual harassment, such as to whom they should report any alleged sexual harassment, and regarding Lincoln’s obligation to conduct an effective workplace investigation of a harassment complaint.