Date: 12/4/2017, 9:00 am—4:00 pm
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 5.75
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: Fred Finch Youth & Family Services
Phone: 510-482-2244
Being able to intentionally evoke the relaxation response is one of the most beneficial things clients can do to support their own wellbeing. Especially in these politically challenging and distressing times, self-care skills are essential to maintaining our balance. So how do we help clients learn to take care of themselves? And how do we do this ourselves? In this daylong training, we will discover why the stress response just happens, while the relaxation response needs to be cultivated. We’ll deeply explore engaging the relaxation response, to help us cultivate resilience at the level of the nervous system. We will engage in a variety of movement and mindfulness practices to support integration and well-being, and learn how to tailor these awareness practices to the present moment state of our nervous system, increasing their effectiveness in supporting our internal equilibrium. We will explore teaching these skills to clients to help them develop strategies for self-regulation and self-calming. In addition, we will learn about the neurobiology of habit formation, and practice tools for developing new habits. We’ll also explore core beliefs around self-care, and develop a concrete self-care plan. This training is highly experiential, and you should end the day feeling significantly better than when you started, empowered with tools to support lasting change in you and your clients.