Date: 4/17/2018, 10:30 am—4:30 pm
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 5
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: Fred Finch Youth & Family Services
Phone: 510-482-2244
Are you working hard on the line with our kids who are referred to us through our systems of care: child welfare, mental health, juvenile justice, and the school districts? Are you one of those folks, like I was, who is getting this great experience and wanting to consider going on to graduate school in this field? And, again, like I was, are you confused about which direction might be the best one for you? The wide variety of options can be overwhelming for child care workers, residential counselors, case managers, teaching assistants, and anyone else working with kids in foster care and at-risk kids who are thinking of returning to school at the graduate level. In this training, we will discuss the pros and cons of obtaining an MFT, LPCC, MSW, Ph.D., PsyD., M.D., etc. Making the right choice for you is important when investing the time and effort about how you will work with kids in the future. Explore the wealth of information to help you make the right decision for you!