Date: 1/12/2017, 9:30 am—5:30 pm
County: Alameda County
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: Seneca Family of Agencies
Phone: 510-654-4004
This training will answer the question: How can we remove the systemic barriers that block children and adolescents living in out-of-home care from maintaining or reestablishing contact and relationships with those that love them? The “family finding” model implements extraordinary frameworks outside of traditional child welfare practice that may help us rethink what is possible in terms of improving safety, well-being, and permanency outcomes for these important youth. This workshop will introduce trainees to the importance of family connectedness, methods for finding families of children who have “no family,” and helping permanently connect children with their kin. Specific practice, experience and strategies for locating and engaging relatives for children and adolescents living in licensed out-of-home care placement will be covered.
Participants Will:
- Understand the history and values of the Family Finding practice
- Understand the six steps of Family Finding practice
- Experience the discovery phase of the Family Finding practice
- Learn to anticipate possible barriers and solutions in the practice