course »Liberating Latina/o Individuals and Families: A Personal, Relational and Contextually Relevant Psychology

Date: 8/31/2016, 8:30 am—2:00 pm
County: Alameda County
CEUs: 5
Location: Oakland
Sponsor: UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland (EIS)
Phone: 510-428-3783
This training is designed to help Participants be able to:
  1. Identify their own culturally based beliefs and understand how these beliefs impact service provision to Latina/o communities.
  2. Discuss the importance of understanding the rationale and limitations of color-blind racial ideologies (CBRT).
  3. Identify therapeutic models for working with underserved Latina/o communities.
  4. Identify the challenges and benefits of understanding and discussing their own and others cultural identities.